
发表于 讨论求助 2022-02-14 23:36:29


What about dry eyes?


Working in front of a computer or sitting at a desk for long periods of time, dry eyes are inevitable and one of the most common symptoms of overuse. Occasionally excessive use of the eyes, the most will only cause the discomfort of the eyes, will not cause any harm to the eyes, but frequent excessive use of the eyes is to dry eyes on the top of the push. 


Dry eyes is very common, for any reason caused abnormal tear quality or quantity, or dynamics caused by abnormal - stability, accompanied by eye discomfort, and/or a variety of diseases characterized by ocular surface tissue damage and belong to dry eyes. Dry eyes and visual fatigue are the typical symptoms of dry eyes, the specific symptoms of dry eyes how serious, to the hospital after examination of their own decomposition. 


There is a basic principle in the treatment of dry eyes: prolong the duration of tears in the eyes. Whether it's an artificial tear fluid, or a lacrimal nettle embolus, their purpose is to do just that.


Causes of dry eyes 


1, the weather is hot, unexpectedly became the dry eye high hair season. This is because the person that sit an office for a long time often appears in the air conditioning environment the eye has foreign body feeling, eye is red, the eye secretion is increased wait for unwell, diagnose after going to the hospital examination is dry eye disease. Ophthalmologists say this is linked to prolonged use of air conditioners and computers, as well as contact lenses. Therefore, do not blindly drop eyedrops, the corresponding life on the adjustment can improve the symptoms significantly, if there is no effect of a variety of medical means can be used. 



   2, causing dry eyes for many reasons, such as using a computer for a long time, long time driving and careful operation, smoking, air pollution, air conditioning or heating environment for a long time, long wear contact lenses (lenses), etc. Because dry eye symptoms are usually not serious, people often don't care. But research shows that dry eyes for a long time can cause irreversible damage, even in extreme cases can cause blindness, so often there eye itching, eye dryness, foreign body sensation, jealous, eye fatigue and other symptoms should be timely medical treatment.



3, dry eyes is not caused by bacterial infection, so the anti-inflammatory drugs ineffective, ignore the regular treatment can lead to corneal drying, serious still can cause corneal and conjunctival epithelium cornification, eyesight drops seriously, and even blindness.



   4Eating spicy food can lead to dry eyes

Experts say overeating spicy food can lead to dry eyes. China's southerners especially like hot food, such as sichuan, hunan, hubei, guizhou and other places. Because the climate is moist, and hot has the effect of publicity, eating spicy food will help the body moisture out. However, in the north, it is relatively dry. If you eat spicy food again, you will often drain sweat. "sweat blood is the same as blood".



   5. In addition, staying up late for a long time, abusing drugs, eating too much cold food or salty food will also affect the quality of tears, leading to dry eyes. Prevent and cure dry eye disease, want to keep food as light as possible, early sleep early rise, mood is happy, avoid to use brain excessive, still want to exercise the body appropriately, avoid acuteness sweat.


How does Chinese medicine think dry eye disease?



   The human body is an organic whole, the viscera is the center of human life activities, the eyes as an organ of the human body and the five viscera have a close relationship. As a result, fatigue in all aspects of the body can manifest as discomfort in the eyes.



   Traditional Chinese medicine believes that all kinds of fluids in the human body are closely related to the five organs. For example, "sweat is the liquid of the heart, salivary is the fluid of the spleen, DDT is the fluid of the lungs, tears is the fluid of the liver, and saliva is the fluid of the kidney". Liver opening in the eyes, liver blood deficiency, will affect the development of tears.



   Traditional Chinese medicine believes that human tears are "produced by the five organs, six organs, and the liver and kidney". Therefore, the traditional Chinese medicine in the treatment of dry eyes need comprehensive conditioning, from regulating Yin and Yang of body, "nourishing liver and kidney, qi and blood smooth, fluid compress is normal, Yin pingyang secret", eventually achieve "will be dry, the disease disappear".


   If you have dry eyes caused by a narrow or blocked tear duct, you can use acupuncture called "three tears". The lacrimal passage and lacrimal gland were punctured, respectively, in the upper mucous cavity and lacrimal duct cavity. After acupuncture, lacrimal gland secretion increased, lacrimal duct due to increased contractile force and lacrimal duct patency. 


   For people who use computers frequently, it is essential to prevent and relieve dry eyes, read more newspapers and surf the Internet less, change the habit of relying on computers, and find more ways to relieve pressure. Also eat less spicy and more light, hamburgers, coke, French fries and other western food, as well as boiled fish, spicy crab, barbecue, shabu meat and other high-protein Chinese food, are the trigger for dry eyes. In addition, want to adjust the state of mind, choose as far as possible to play tai chi, brisk walk and other not strong physical activity to exercise the body, this is good to maintain eyesight. 



   Dry eyes can also lead to acute tear-glandular inflammation: acute tear-glandular inflammation is not common, due to infection or idiopathic inflammation caused by acute redness, swelling, etc. Lacrimal gland infection causes the person is rare, the incidence rate is 1/1 million, it is unilateral to come on mostly, see in the child more, often concomitant at measles, mumps or influenza. Can be manifested as eye swelling, pain, tears, discomfort, obstruction.













Signs of dry eyes include:


① More dry eyes, more tired.


② Potassium alien sand gravel.


③ I feel a tingling sensation of heat.


④ Superior often has itchy eyes.


⑤ Transaction frequent contact lenses.


⑥ She often feels blurry eyes and foreign things.


⑦ Paraplegia has poor eyesight.


⑧ Flowers often have eyes that are tight and heavy and uncomfortable.


⑨ Sensitivity to external stimuli (light, wind, smoke).


⑩ The excretion is viscous.  



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