[ HAPPY BIRTHDAY NOLA ] NOLA 6th anniversary crab boil party

发表于 讨论求助 2022-04-05 19:57:09


The Sixth Anniversary of Chef BrandonTrowbridge at NOLA


New Orleans Seafood Buffet Night Madness


Beijing’s most authentic New Orleans restaurant


For the people who frequent the Jianguomen area, you will of course be familiar with this restaurant.


The food at NOLA is made in the famous southern New Orleans style. Featuring pure and authentic New Orleans style dishes made fresh everyday, anyone who comes to NOLA will certainly receive a great experience. And the food emits the same qualities the chef aspires for: the more you eat the more flavor you will get, thus giving you an unforgettable experience.


When spring comes and the flowers bloom, there are many guests that crowd the plant-covered balcony at NOLA. When the summertime breeze blows, cold beers are opened one after another. Beautiful girls areentranced by the chef’s specials and vividly colored cocktails. In the spring and summer at NOLA, you can smell love along with fragrant flowers. Just like this, year after year, one can experience the seasons of love.


Autumn and winter have arrived, the leaves are turning yellow. The capital is starting to feel cold and lonely. Only the continuous clamor coming from this corner of the street remains. You’re right,that’s the Mardi Gras way.




In the center of a busy city, this place isa quiet refuge. The restaurants on this street have changed many times. These restaurants have a large, ceremonious beginning, but in the end they all fadeaway into obscurity. Only NOLA, like a suave older gentleman holding a cigar,opening a newspaper, and having a cup of coffee while sitting there watching people go by, remains. Just by opening the old wooden door, he’ll be there waiting to tell you his stories.

Thanksgiving is coming, NOLA invites you toher 6th Anniversary Birthday Party.

For this, we are planning a special seafood buffet party.

主厨归来 新奥尔良与爱尔兰的圆舞曲

the head chef returns like a waltz from New Orleans with a new chef from Ireland.


Everyone who has been to NOLA knows that Brandon hails from New Orleans, Louisiana, and the food on the menu are all ofhis hometown special recipes. Since the beginning, people have always been putting Brandon’s name and NOLA together.


Recently, in order to learn more recipes andmore about being a chef in general,Brandon hasn’t been at the back of NOLA’skitchen. He has recently been working with an organic health food restaurant located off of Worker’s Stadium East Street, where a lot of guests have heardand praised his new recipes.


However this month Brandon will give us a big surprise and introduce a new chef from Ireland named Thomas. Although Brandon’s many recipes will remain, Thomas hopes to take NOLA to another level.

就像菜单首页照片里,那个初来北京的大男孩,推开木门的场景一样。六年后,留着一些小胡子,更有成熟型男气质,推开了这道久违的门,说生日快乐,NOLA ,我回来了!

The picture on the menu is from when Brandon first got to Beijing and first opened the wooden doors to NOLA. Six years later, with a slightly larger beard and a more mature attitude, he will open the door one more time and say, “Happy Birthday, NOLA! I am back!"


NOLA will honor its six year anniversary with a large seafood buffet and crab boil party.


Head Chef of NOLA, Brandon, together with a new chef from Ireland, Thomas, come together to bring you a fantastic seafood buffet dinner. In the city, every one might be used to eating crabs, but thecrabs Brandon and Thomas will be preparing will not be your typical Beijing crab. The crabs typically served in Beijing come from fresh water, but the crabs Brandon and Thomas will be serving are fresh from the sea. Also, Brandon won’t be doing scalded or steamed crabs like most other restaurants. Paired with jazz music, a big glass of beer,come and enjoy these spicy boiled crabs with usat NOLA.


Who says that you can only pound beers when you’re eating Chinese food or just eating a lot of meat? Join us, then you’ll know, the desire for tasty food paired with beer has no boundaries. With somany people eating crabs, this event will surely seem like a crab invasion to your tables and plates.

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