
发表于 讨论求助 2021-03-13 04:41:34


Fried Rice Noodles with Kimchi






米粉 2个

胡萝卜 半根

洋葱 1/4个

蟹柳棒 2根

泡菜 一小碟

生抽 2匙(匙羹的匙)

蚝油 1匙



(As breakfast, for 2 servings; 

As lunch, for 1 serving)
Rice Noodles 2 pieces

Carrot half piece

Onion 1/4 piece

Crab Stick 1 pieces

Kimchi little

Oil 1 spoon(see picture below)

Soy sauce 2 spoons

Oyster sauce 1 spoon

Sugar 1/3 spoon

步骤 Steps

  1. 先把米粉泡在水里(冷水大概半小时、水龙头的温水大概15分钟、开水5分钟左右),不用煮熟,泡软就好,然后沥干水分;Soak rice noodles into water until they are soft (such as soak in cool water for 30 mins / warm water for 15 mins / boiled hot water 5 mins; but don't cook the rice noodles); and then drain;

  2. 胡萝卜、洋葱切丝,泡菜也切丝, 蟹柳棒切片;Shred the carrot and onion, as well as kimchi, and cut the crab stick into slices;

  3. 不粘锅烧热,放1匙,放入洋葱丝爆香,放胡萝卜丝,翻炒大概1分钟,放入蟹柳棒片翻炒1分钟,放入泡软沥干水分的米粉翻炒1分钟,倒入生抽 & 蚝油 & , 翻炒3分钟,放入泡菜,翻炒1分钟,装盘撒点葱花。Heat up a pan with oil and onion, add carrot and stir-fry for 1 minute, add the crab stick and stir-fry for 1 minute, add rice noodles and stir-fry for 1 minute, add soy sauce & oyster sauce & sugar and stir-fry for 3 minute, add kimchi and stir-fry for 1 minute, you finish. 


  1. 在澳洲,这种米粉华超有卖,透明包装,500g一包大概2刀,W牌子,叫RICE VERMICELLI,上面说的两个米粉大概100g;You can purchase this rice noodles(RICE VERMICELLI) in Asian grocery, two pieces in this recipe equal to 100g;

  2. 炒米粉可以加很多配菜的噢,有时候我也会加点蘑菇(cup mushroom)切成片状,加点午餐肉(spam)切成条......;If you like, add sliced cup mushroom or spam;

  3. 如果你说你不会切胡萝卜丝,刨丝器帮到你;If you don't know how to shred the carrot, buy a grater;

  4. 米粉如果煮熟了再炒,炒的时候可能就会变成碎碎噢,所以只要泡软就可以拿去炒了噢。


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